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Program Review/Arts and Hummanities

culum and Instruction

Sample Evidence

Evidence Links

Demonstrator 1Student Access

All students should have equitable access to high quality curriculum and instruction.

- Master Schedule

- Grade Level Schedules

- Special Event Scheduling (CEDAR Coal Fair, 4-H Fair, University of Pikeville (UPike) School of Dance, Dr. Seuss activities, Sesame Street Live Production)

- Permission slips for performing arts presentations, "Sesame Street Live" for grades K-1 and the "Alice in Wonderland" Ballet for Grades 2-5

- Scheduling of Guest Performances/Speakers (Chris Epling: Author and Illustrator)

- Scheduling of Our Video Yearbook performances for all grade levels.

- Christmas Program Scheduling for all grade levels.

- Field Trip Travel Request (i.e. April 11- Grand Theatre in Frankfort, Sesame Street Live in Pikeville, and Alice in Wonderland Ballet at the University of Pikeville)

- Monthly School Calendar of Events

- Seasonal school dances sponsored by PTO (photographs- Halloween dance, Winter dance, Valentine's dance)

- 4-H Meetings and 4-H Fair (Calendar)

- Lesson plans

- Student Work Samples (Congruent Butterflies, Earth Day Nature Walk)

- Piano App for Classroom iPads

Master Schedule

Grade Level Schedule sample

Seasme Street Live

Alice in Wonderland Ballet

Dr. Suess Activites

Monthly Calendar

Calendar of Events

School Dances

Guest Author Visits

Guest Author Flyer

Christmas Program (Head Start - 1st grade)

Christmas Program (grades 2-5)

Scheduling of Our Video Yearbook


Student Work Sample symmetry

Nature Walk

Piano App

Demonstrator 2. Aligned and Rigorous Curriculum

An aligned and rigorous curriculum provides access to Kentucky Core Academic Standards (KCAS) for all students as defined by state standards.

- Textbook end of lesson questions responding to arts (art folders samples)

- Lesson plans with alignment

- Arts and Humanities Timelines

- Student Technology Leadership Program (STLP) 5th Grade PowerPoint created by students (YouTube)

- Photographs of School wide Events: Christmas Program, Our Video Yearbook, Dr. Seuss Week, Veteran's Day Program, Thanksgiving Lunch with parents showcasing a display of turkeys created in a variety of ways using 3-D objects.

- Score sheets and photographs from the Reading Extravaganza (school winners)

- Email confirming textbooks (Harcourt Art Everywhere and Art Sense) used that is aligned with state and national assessments.

- Reader's Theater (Primary Lesson Plans)

- Response to Reading activities (lesson plans)

- Resource Class: Library class incorporating reading with the arts.

- Continuous Instructional Improvement Technology System (CIITS)

- Content area lesson plans

- Student work samples/photographs/lesson plans across content areas:

  1. Social Studies: Native American totem poles, singing/songs: patriotic, African spirituals, Appalachian culture: dances/music, illustrations of the Boston Massacre and other historical events

  2. Science: Dioramas, diagrams of cells

  3. Math: Painting symmetry butterflies

 - Lesson plans

- Acceptable websites for the arts instruction (i.e. Smithsonian website)

- Grade level resources/resource list (CD, DVD)

- Textbook examples of exemplary works of arts

- Pre/post tests in visual arts

- Study Island computer program in arts and humanities with weekly reports

- Art Purchase Orders

- Arts and Humanities Program Review Committee sign-in sheets and records

- Student Report Cards/Average Grades

- Kentucky Association of School Administrators (KASA) World Class Education School-wide Art Contest

- First Grade Art Contest for KASA PowerPoint of photos 


Demonstrator 3. Instructional Strategies

Teachers implement instructional strategies that provide quality experiences, a variety of activities, and access for all students.

- Music: online piano teaching "Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star" recognizing notes and playing song using iPads (lesson plans)

- 4-H projects, speeches

- Project Exhibition photographs

- Lesson plans

- Technology: Study Island computer program reports;

- Field trip confirmation: Alice in Wonderland ballet; Sesame Street Live Production; Frankfort Grand Theatre

- Peer reviews

- Student work samples

- Reading Extravaganza participation with guidelines and photographs

- Performance photographs

- Email confirming textbooks (Harcourt Art Everywhere and Art Sense) used that is aligned with state and national assessment

- Websites (ART Resources)

- Field Trips:

  1. Thomas Clark Museum in Frankfort, KY (grade 5)

  2. Old Capital Tour in Frankfort, KY (grade 5)

  3. New Capital Tour in Frankfort, KY (grade 5)

  4. Jack Hannah Exhibit at the Frankfort Grand Theatre (grade 5)

  5. Alice in Wonderland ballet at the University of Pikeville (grades 2-5)

  6. Sesame Street LIve performance at the Eastern Kentucky Exposition Center (grades K-1)

- Hallway Displays/Student Showcases

- Christopher Epling: Author and Illustrator (two student programs)

- Brooke Moak: pianist (student program)

- CEDAR Coal Teacher Unit of Study

- Kentucky Chautauqua Program by the Kentucky Humanities Council, Inc. (4th and 5th grade students)

- Websites and Apps for Art (using iPads)

- Student participation in University of Pikeville arts program (weekly dance lessons outside of school day)

- Piano Lessons with Sue Tackett (outside of school day) 


Demonstrator 4. Student Performance

All students have access to an aligned and rigorous curriculum, where instructional strategies are of high quality and inclusive, resulting in student performance at a consistently high level.

- Photographs (performance and classroom activities)

- Student work samples (comic books, art posters, songs on iPad app)

- Lesson plans

- District Reading Extravaganza email, guidelines, and winners list

- 4-H project guidelines

- CEDAR Coal Projects (Art and Music category)- Grade level winners in art and music

- Peer reviews (3-D paper mache portraits, Christmas 3-D designs)

- Art showcase/Hall Displays

- Christmas Program Video of student performances

- Our Video Yearbook production (student performances)

- Portfolio Collection of art pieces (art folders samples)

- Peer Reviews

- School Reading Festival

- On-Demand Writing from "Alice in Wonderland"

- "Alice in Wonderland" Ballet and Movie Review

- Artworks/Artifacts search throughout Thomas Clark Museum

- Art Folders

- PRIDE poster contest participation

- KASA World Class Education school wide art contest

- Judy's Place for Kids T-shirt design contest

- 4-H projects

- Several students participate in Sue Tackett's piano lessons (after school)

- Several students participate in University of Pikeville's dance program (after school)


Formative and Summative Assessment

Sample Evidence

Evidence Links

Demonstrator 1. Assessment

Teachers should use multiple assessment processes to inform, guide, develop and revise instructional strategies and curriculum to enhance to student learning and achievement.


- Lesson Plans

- Summative Assessments

- Formative Assessments

- Study Guides (i.e. First Grade Color Study Guide)

- Rubrics

- Peer Review Samples

- Class Exhibits

- Song Reviews

- Veterans' Day Program with student performances

- Study Island Computer Program

- Performance Scoring Guide

- Lesson Plans Assessment

- Student Work Samples (Language Arts quiz incorporating Arts/Humanities, Tree Diagram of parts of a tree, Reading Extra) 


Demonstrator 2. Expectations for Student Learning

Teachers communicate consistently high expectations and use common standards for student learning in Arts & Humanities.


- Lesson Plans

- Student Work Samples

- Rubrics

- Student Created Rubrics

- Scoring Guides

- Student Self Evaluations

- iPad performances using music app

- Peer/Self reflections

- Study Island Computer Program

- Test Your Knowledge

- Guest, Mrs. Brooke Moak (piano performance for students)

- Guest author and illustrator Christopher Epling (two student programs) 


Demonstrator 3. Assessment for Teaching

Multiple assessments are used to inform, guide, develop and revise instructional strategies and curriculum to enhance student learning and achievement.


- Rubrics

- Teacher critiqued art projects

- Peer reviews

- Exit slips

- Self-evaluations

- Student created rubrics

- Assessment on Elements of Culture

- Brain Pop Reflections

- Performance Scoring Guides

- Student Reflections (space, force, and dance)

- School-wide Art Content sponsored by the Kentucky Association of School Administrators (see Kindergarten work samples)

- "I Can" Statements posted in classrooms


Professional Development

Sample Evidence

Evidence Links

Demonstrator 1. Opportunity

Professional development opportunities are planned with teacher learning needs in mind and in response to data available about teacher practice and student learning.


- Continuous Instructional Improvement Technology System (CIITS)

- Teachers' Professional Growth Plans

- Master schedule (Teachers are provided with grade level planning to collaborate on ideas.)

- Handouts from Christopher Epling's Professional Development Training with teachers

- Websites and resources

- Collboration Logs from teachers


Demonstrator 2. Participation

Teachers participate in Arts and Humanities-specific professional development designed to meet their needs. Arts and Humanities teachers participate in professional development focused on 21st Century Skills


- Lesson Plans evidence researched based websites given during professional development opportunities

- Online blog participation

- Teachers are members of KEA and PCEA

- School is a member of KASC

- Teachers collaborate with Univeristy of Kentucky Extension Agency for 4-H in the 4th and 5th grades

- Teachers and students work with the CEDAR Coal, Inc. Program

- 4-H Rally

- School and Regional CEDAR Coal Fair

- Arts Transportation Grant application

- Professional Development is provided throughout the school and opportunities are emailed to all staff as evidenced by sign in sheets.

- iPad app for teaching students how to play the piano

- Teacher reviews and certificates from Christopher Epling's Professional Development training 


Administrative/Leadership Support and Monitoring

Sample Evidence

Evidence Links

Demonstrator 1. Policies and Monitoring

School leadership establishes and monitors implementation of policies, provides adequate resources, facilities, space and instructional time to support highly effective arts and humanities instructional programs.

 - School Handbook of Policies

- School Based Decision Making (SBDM) Council records (policies, agendas, and minutes)

- Agenda to evidence English Language Arts (ELA) training to teach content reading by including the arts

- Master and Grade Level Schedules

- SBDM special called meeting agenda and minutes for allocations where all teachers were encouraged to attend

- Professional Development Agendas

- Sign-In Sheets

- Classroom Rosters

- Teacher collaboration logs

- Arts/Humanities Program Review Committee Sign-in sheets and minutes

- Purchase Orders

- Section 7 Personnel Request for Arts/Humanities teacher

- Highly Qualified Teacher Report

- Arts/Humanities committee meeting minutes, sign in sheets, and collaboration logs

- Collaboration of "I Can" Mural

- Schoolwide Professional Development Plan

- Race to the Top Grant


Demonstrator 2. Principal Leadership
Principals are the primary leaders of all arts and humanities program efforts and support teacher leadership through shared leadership strategies and actions.


- Email correspondences

- Teacher Collaboration Logs


- Professional Development Sign In Sheets and Agendas


- Communications with parents and community about the arts:


  1. School Messenger System

  2. School Newsletter

  3. School Calendar

  4. School Facebook Page

  5. School Website

  6. Front entrance computer monitor setup with important information

  7. Marquee


- Agendas/sign-in sheets from PTO meetings and/or Title 1 monthly parent workshops


- Arts/Humanities committee (minutes and list of members)


- ART Enews email

- ART Websites

- Christmas Program with student performances


- CEDAR Coal Fair winners

- Field Trip permission slips

- T-Shirt Design Art Contest for Judy's Place for Kids

- School wide art contest on world class education sponsored by KASA

- Our Video Yearbook