culum and Instruction |
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Demonstrator 1. Student Access All students should have equitable access to high quality curriculum and instruction. |
- Master Schedule - Grade Level Schedules - Special Event Scheduling (CEDAR Coal Fair, 4-H Fair, University of Pikeville (UPike) School of Dance, Dr. Seuss activities, Sesame Street Live Production) - Permission slips for performing arts presentations, "Sesame Street Live" for grades K-1 and the "Alice in Wonderland" Ballet for Grades 2-5 - Scheduling of Guest Performances/Speakers (Chris Epling: Author and Illustrator) - Scheduling of Our Video Yearbook performances for all grade levels. - Christmas Program Scheduling for all grade levels. - Field Trip Travel Request (i.e. April 11- Grand Theatre in Frankfort, Sesame Street Live in Pikeville, and Alice in Wonderland Ballet at the University of Pikeville) - Monthly School Calendar of Events - Seasonal school dances sponsored by PTO (photographs- Halloween dance, Winter dance, Valentine's dance) - 4-H Meetings and 4-H Fair (Calendar) - Lesson plans - Student Work Samples (Congruent Butterflies, Earth Day Nature Walk) - Piano App for Classroom iPads |
Grade Level Schedule sample Christmas Program (Head Start - 1st grade) Christmas Program (grades 2-5) Scheduling of Our Video Yearbook Student Work Sample symmetry |
Demonstrator 2. Aligned and Rigorous Curriculum An aligned and rigorous curriculum provides access to Kentucky Core Academic Standards (KCAS) for all students as defined by state standards. |
- Textbook end of lesson questions responding to arts (art folders samples) - Lesson plans with alignment - Arts and Humanities Timelines - Student Technology Leadership Program (STLP) 5th Grade PowerPoint created by students (YouTube) - Photographs of School wide Events: Christmas Program, Our Video Yearbook, Dr. Seuss Week, Veteran's Day Program, Thanksgiving Lunch with parents showcasing a display of turkeys created in a variety of ways using 3-D objects. - Score sheets and photographs from the Reading Extravaganza (school winners) - Email confirming textbooks (Harcourt Art Everywhere and Art Sense) used that is aligned with state and national assessments. - Reader's Theater (Primary Lesson Plans) - Response to Reading activities (lesson plans) - Resource Class: Library class incorporating reading with the arts. - Continuous Instructional Improvement Technology System (CIITS) - Content area lesson plans - Student work samples/photographs/lesson plans across content areas:
- Lesson plans - Acceptable websites for the arts instruction (i.e. Smithsonian website) - Grade level resources/resource list (CD, DVD) - Textbook examples of exemplary works of arts - Pre/post tests in visual arts - Study Island computer program in arts and humanities with weekly reports - Art Purchase Orders - Arts and Humanities Program Review Committee sign-in sheets and records - Student Report Cards/Average Grades - Kentucky Association of School Administrators (KASA) World Class Education School-wide Art Contest - First Grade Art Contest for KASA PowerPoint of photos |
Demonstrator 3. Instructional Strategies Teachers implement instructional strategies that provide quality experiences, a variety of activities, and access for all students. |
- Music: online piano teaching "Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star" recognizing notes and playing song using iPads (lesson plans) - 4-H projects, speeches - Project Exhibition photographs - Lesson plans - Technology: Study Island computer program reports; - Field trip confirmation: Alice in Wonderland ballet; Sesame Street Live Production; Frankfort Grand Theatre - Peer reviews - Student work samples - Reading Extravaganza participation with guidelines and photographs - Performance photographs - Email confirming textbooks (Harcourt Art Everywhere and Art Sense) used that is aligned with state and national assessment - Websites (ART Resources) - Field Trips:
- Hallway Displays/Student Showcases - Christopher Epling: Author and Illustrator (two student programs) - Brooke Moak: pianist (student program) - CEDAR Coal Teacher Unit of Study - Kentucky Chautauqua Program by the Kentucky Humanities Council, Inc. (4th and 5th grade students) - Websites and Apps for Art (using iPads) - Student participation in University of Pikeville arts program (weekly dance lessons outside of school day) - Piano Lessons with Sue Tackett (outside of school day) |
Demonstrator 4. Student Performance All students have access to an aligned and rigorous curriculum, where instructional strategies are of high quality and inclusive, resulting in student performance at a consistently high level. |
- Photographs (performance and classroom activities) - Student work samples (comic books, art posters, songs on iPad app) - Lesson plans - District Reading Extravaganza email, guidelines, and winners list - 4-H project guidelines - CEDAR Coal Projects (Art and Music category)- Grade level winners in art and music - Peer reviews (3-D paper mache portraits, Christmas 3-D designs) - Art showcase/Hall Displays - Christmas Program Video of student performances - Our Video Yearbook production (student performances) - Portfolio Collection of art pieces (art folders samples) - Peer Reviews - School Reading Festival - On-Demand Writing from "Alice in Wonderland" - "Alice in Wonderland" Ballet and Movie Review - Artworks/Artifacts search throughout Thomas Clark Museum - Art Folders - PRIDE poster contest participation - KASA World Class Education school wide art contest - Judy's Place for Kids T-shirt design contest - 4-H projects - Several students participate in Sue Tackett's piano lessons (after school) - Several students participate in University of Pikeville's dance program (after school) |
Formative and Summative Assessment |
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Evidence Links |
Demonstrator 1. Assessment Teachers should use multiple assessment processes to inform, guide, develop and revise instructional strategies and curriculum to enhance to student learning and achievement. |
- Lesson Plans - Summative Assessments - Formative Assessments - Study Guides (i.e. First Grade Color Study Guide) - Rubrics - Peer Review Samples - Class Exhibits - Song Reviews - Veterans' Day Program with student performances - Study Island Computer Program - Performance Scoring Guide - Lesson Plans Assessment - Student Work Samples (Language Arts quiz incorporating Arts/Humanities, Tree Diagram of parts of a tree, Reading Extra) |
Demonstrator 2. Expectations for Student Learning Teachers communicate consistently high expectations and use common standards for student learning in Arts & Humanities. |
- Lesson Plans - Student Work Samples - Rubrics - Student Created Rubrics - Scoring Guides - Student Self Evaluations - iPad performances using music app - Peer/Self reflections - Study Island Computer Program - Test Your Knowledge - Guest, Mrs. Brooke Moak (piano performance for students) - Guest author and illustrator Christopher Epling (two student programs) |
Demonstrator 3. Assessment for Teaching Multiple assessments are used to inform, guide, develop and revise instructional strategies and curriculum to enhance student learning and achievement. |
- Rubrics - Teacher critiqued art projects - Peer reviews - Exit slips - Self-evaluations - Student created rubrics - Assessment on Elements of Culture - Brain Pop Reflections - Performance Scoring Guides - Student Reflections (space, force, and dance) - School-wide Art Content sponsored by the Kentucky Association of School Administrators (see Kindergarten work samples) - "I Can" Statements posted in classrooms |
Professional Development |
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Evidence Links |
Demonstrator 1. Opportunity Professional development opportunities are planned with teacher learning needs in mind and in response to data available about teacher practice and student learning. |
- Continuous Instructional Improvement Technology System (CIITS) - Teachers' Professional Growth Plans - Master schedule (Teachers are provided with grade level planning to collaborate on ideas.) - Handouts from Christopher Epling's Professional Development Training with teachers - Websites and resources - Collboration Logs from teachers |
Demonstrator 2. Participation Teachers participate in Arts and Humanities-specific professional development designed to meet their needs. Arts and Humanities teachers participate in professional development focused on 21st Century Skills |
- Lesson Plans evidence researched based websites given during professional development opportunities - Online blog participation - Teachers are members of KEA and PCEA - School is a member of KASC - Teachers collaborate with Univeristy of Kentucky Extension Agency for 4-H in the 4th and 5th grades - Teachers and students work with the CEDAR Coal, Inc. Program - 4-H Rally - School and Regional CEDAR Coal Fair - Arts Transportation Grant application - Professional Development is provided throughout the school and opportunities are emailed to all staff as evidenced by sign in sheets. - iPad app for teaching students how to play the piano - Teacher reviews and certificates from Christopher Epling's Professional Development training |
Administrative/Leadership Support and Monitoring |
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Demonstrator 1. Policies and Monitoring School leadership establishes and monitors implementation of policies, provides adequate resources, facilities, space and instructional time to support highly effective arts and humanities instructional programs. |
- School Handbook of Policies - School Based Decision Making (SBDM) Council records (policies, agendas, and minutes) - Agenda to evidence English Language Arts (ELA) training to teach content reading by including the arts - Master and Grade Level Schedules - SBDM special called meeting agenda and minutes for allocations where all teachers were encouraged to attend - Professional Development Agendas - Sign-In Sheets - Classroom Rosters - Teacher collaboration logs - Arts/Humanities Program Review Committee Sign-in sheets and minutes - Purchase Orders - Section 7 Personnel Request for Arts/Humanities teacher - Highly Qualified Teacher Report - Arts/Humanities committee meeting minutes, sign in sheets, and collaboration logs - Collaboration of "I Can" Mural - Schoolwide Professional Development Plan - Race to the Top Grant |
Demonstrator 2. Principal Leadership |
- Email correspondences - Teacher Collaboration Logs
- Professional Development Sign In Sheets and Agendas
- Communications with parents and community about the arts:
- Agendas/sign-in sheets from PTO meetings and/or Title 1 monthly parent workshops
- Arts/Humanities committee (minutes and list of members)
- ART Enews email - ART Websites - Christmas Program with student performances
- CEDAR Coal Fair winners - Field Trip permission slips - T-Shirt Design Art Contest for Judy's Place for Kids - School wide art contest on world class education sponsored by KASA - Our Video Yearbook |
Proficient Reading: 40% | Distinguished Reading: 13% | Proficient Math: 35% | Distinguished Math: 18%