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Curriculum and Instruction

Sample Evidence

Evidence Links

Demonstrator 1. Student Access
All students have equitable access to highly effective curriculum and instruction.



Demonstrator 2. Aligned and Rigorous Curriculum 
An aligned and rigorous curriculum provides access to Kentucky Core Academic Standards (KCAS) for all students as defined by state and national standards.



Demonstrator 3. Instructional Strategies
All teachers implement research-based instructional strategies that include characteristics of highly effective teaching and learning for all students. 



Demonstrator 4. Kentucky Systems of Intervention (KSI) /Response to Intervention (RtI)
A school establishes and uses a systematic, comprehensive system that addresses accelerated learning, achievement gaps, highly-effective instruction, readiness to learn and student transitions. A school provides a seamless framework, using state and federal funding, that addresses academic and behavioral needs, that is accessible to all students.



Formative and Summative Assessment

Sample Evidence

Evidence Links

Demonstrator 1. Assessments

Teachers should use multiple assessment processes to inform, guide, develop and revise instructional strategies and curriculum to enhance to student learning and achievement.



Demonstrator 2:  Expectations for Student Learning 
Teachers communicate consistently high expectations and use common standards for student learning in K-3.



Professional Development and Support Services

Sample Evidence

Evidence Links

Demonstrator 1: Opportunities
Professional development opportunities are planned with teacher learning needs in mind and in response to data available about school needs, teacher practice and student learning.



Demonstrator 2: Participation
Teachers are leaders in their professional community, and guide/lead professional development that meets the needs of the professional learning community.



Administrative/Leadership Support and Monitoring

Sample Evidence

Evidence Links

Demonstrator 1. Policies and Monitoring

School leadership establishes and monitors implementation of policies, provides adequate resources, facilities, space and instructional time to support highly effective K-3 instructional programs.



Demonstrator 2. Principal Leadership
Principals are the primary leaders of all K-3 program efforts and support teacher leadership through shared leadership strategies and actions.